There is a Time for Everything Under the Sun

And this is the time for pivot. All the planets. ALL of the planets are retrograde this month. A rare event that comes maybe once or twice every 100 years when from the earth’s perspective all of the planets in our solar system appear to be moving backwards. We’re used to experiencing this one or … Continue reading There is a Time for Everything Under the Sun

The Secret of Twin Flames

I’ve come to understand our soul connection in a way - it’s like we’re two sides of the same coin. When I look out into the world like the head of a coin might. I don’t see you in my life. You’re tails. But when I go inward you’re always there. In the background of my dreams, talking endlessly in my head. In my heart. Dancing in my imagination. (Click title to read full post)

The Double Rainbow, A pedagogical story for twin flame reunion

These are the fairytales for the next epoch of humanity. The way forward. I wrote them from my own experiences of energy and also as a mechanism for co-creating the path into the un-known. Stories for a new earth. Once upon a time, not so long ago. Angels watched as the wind shifted on the … Continue reading The Double Rainbow, A pedagogical story for twin flame reunion

The Sekhmet, Bastet, Hathor Trinity

The holy trinity is a common debate amongst Christian religious sects. Is Jesus God or separate? Are God the father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit all separate aspects of the one God? This argument has realigned believers into various break out congregations each taking up their own belief in what is true on the matter … Continue reading The Sekhmet, Bastet, Hathor Trinity

Menstruation = Superpower

In ancient times women went off to a tent or place of isolation with other women during their moon cycles. This meant that their normal chores and duties were carried out by others. They rested and we’re tended to. Food was brought to them. Their blood was collected and ceremoniously returned to the earth or used in other ceremonious ways.